Fajar Travel

Umrah in Islam

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once dreamed that he was performing Umrah in Ka’ba with his companions. Therefore on the 6 AH (628 CE) the Prophet (PBUH) along with 1400  Sahabas started their journey for Umrah. But at the valley of Hudaibiya, 20 miles outskirts of  Makkah, nonbelievers of Makkah stopped Muslim pilgrims and agreed to sign a treaty that this year all should go without performing an Umrah.  However, they will be allowed by the next year.
The following year on the morning of the 4th day of Dhu-al-Qi’dah 7 AH (629 CE), the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions performed Umrah,  and chanted the following phrase, which all pilgrims chant until today.

phrase for pilgrmage performing hajj or umrah

I respond to Your call O Allah! I have responded to Your call. You have no partner. I have responded to Your call. All praise, thanks, and blessings are for You. All sovereignty is for You. And You have no partners.

Umrah is an act of worshipping Allah by entering the state of Ihram, encircling the House of Allah, running between Safa and Marwa, and having the head shaved or trimmed. Umrah is considered a Minor Hajj in Islam. People who can not afford Hajj should opt for Umrah which is one of the best deeds one can perform. Saudi Ministry of Hajj stops Umrah during the Hajj period and opens a visa after Moharram to Shawwal. Plan for your spiritual journey now!

Arabic Umrah 2

Umm Ma’qil narrated that The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Umrah during Ramadhan is equal to Hajj.” (Bukhari)

Shabaan Package

Feb 25 March 06

Ramadhan Package

March 10 to 24

Shawwal Package

April 26 to May 08

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